Batu caves 200+steps Last one upstairs had to walk the whole thing over, but Villain chickened out!
Batu caves
Batu caves
Cool girl from the USA teamed up with the 3 of us to laugh at all the oldies in ouer buss. Was a pretty fun day imo! :D
Petronas towers. Like it a lot, think I found myself an avatar :)We were pretty lame tourists in Kuala Lumpur but whatever we had fun!:D We actually checked out "zombieland" in one of these
Gamehall Macau, we probably never grow up lolz.
Floating restaurant, had lunch there during sightseeingtour Hong kong.
Contrast, some people have to work, others don't
Symphony of light, pretty awesome,u shud go and check it out!
Won some money->ship it!
Cabdriver 4am lol, always give him a ring if I need a cab.
Pretty darn nice to see my buddies again! Picked them up from the airport with awesome "Vince timingskills" had to wait roughly 30 seconds for them :D . After dinner we took a cab back to my place where we sat down for a moment or 2 before they crashed down in their bedroom for a 14houer sleep! :O . When they woke up again at 15.15...-.-" we wanted to go for a swim in de sea, but they got discouraged by some kinda...I dunnno, this: Oh well swimmingpool is always there :). It feels weird to be something between a host and just a random tourist but sure feels good when they tell me the food and places I pick for dinner are good :D .Shipped my first complaints within 36 hours after there arrival lolz.
Tuesday we went to Panenghill for a nice "little" hike after finally arriving at the right spot to start the walk (appearently it's not that common to walk up). We got attacked my monkey's, dogs, mosquito's, danger of an approaching thunderstorm and by some locals who set us up to check out the jungle aswell Grrrr/. We did make it to the top after several houers where we sat down for a most welcome drink and enjoyed the view.
Wednesday we asked a regular taksidriver to take us around the island to show us some nice spots to go, was a pretty good day imo. I can't tell too much right now. I am running out of time again. But again I was surprised by the kindness of people out here, after dinner and no buss coming the waiter from the restaurant we had dinner brought us back home all the way up the mountain.
I dont have too much too tell, so dunno what's going to be in her lol. Just feel like writing and wanted to show you this thing I came across yesterday. I am not sure wheter non-basketballplayers appreciate this as much as I do, but brought a smile on my face when I saw it first time :).
Finally my friends will be coming over tomorrow, I didn't really miss anyone yet but now that they are coming I cant wait to see them again!! :D . I/we have got some things in mind I/we want to show and do when they are here. I think I ll go to the airport by bus and get a cab on the way back....not sure yet.
Look these are my buddies Leslie and Chris who are coming over:
Can u believe this guy? Surrounded by girls but he decided to have a nap :O haha!
And Chris, for some reason I dont have a somewhat normal picture of this person on my PC :O. He's the left one on this pic. the guy in black and white btw is my younger brother!
Yesterday not much going on, was one of my biggest losing days in poker. I have to be careful, I tend to fok up a whole month up if I have a bad start. Luckily I wont't be playing too much in December but still. Little worried bout my bonuss tho. I have to play quite a lot of hands to lay my hands on a 4k bonus but as I said I dont have too much time... Oh almost forgot lolz I got some other poker related stuff: I paid my share for the Las Vegas Villa next summer, w0000t!!!. 2 weeks ago I saw the movie 2012, when there was a flash of Ceacars palace (casinohotel in Vegas) I said: "I ll be there sometime!" And now 2 weeks later...haha it's so freakin cool imo :D really looking forward. Maybe I ll write something more later on bout this, bit in a hurry having a birthdayparty coming up. Dont know what to write in the birthdaycard lolz -.-"
some pics of the place we ll be staying with quite a big group.
It's not even December, but already took care of my christmaspresents :O . It's like pretty sick, usually I have to rush to the shops the very last minute. I almost feel like I have to prove to you guys it's really me typing this :P .I can't tell what it is but I think its a pretty nonstandard idea hehe:). Missed an opportunity to haggle, Jenny tried to but I just didnt realise what she was doing and said the price was fine, so ended up paying a little over I guess. It's probabably true what they say bout tourists: "more money then sense" I mean you just dont think of it.
Started to play some poker again after a whole week yest. usually we take breaks if we run poorly, but I ran well before my break and I still did yesterday so ship de dollies and not so much the EV(Expected Value)dollars hehe. Dont run well in real life betting tho, dont have really people to bet me actually... Today I had a chat with the guards, pretty funny people actually keep calling eachother "brainless" and stuf like that. Today I was the sucker tho, got myself into buying them all a drink if I couldnt tell the age of one of them is particular, they would buy me 10 drinks if I could. I think my odds were not great but was fun. I was quite close tho for a change. Its terrible to guess ages in this country haha. By typing this down I wonder if you/they actually can do it your/there self!!
Furthermore I switched from waching Heroes to reading a book, Hoeroesdvd's were so freakin tilting. Started of buying the first season on the nightmarket, watched the first 2 or 3 discs without any problems and by the time I really got hooked to the story it started to make weird noises and eventually stopped working. I was willing to pay full price for it at a regular store, but then again one of the discs wasn't working, got it finally replaced last friday, put the disc in the driver and guess what happened?....correct not able to play. FML!!!, probz have to buy a another DVD player or something. Anyway instead I started to read the book in the picture. Someone recommanded it, it's quite OK so far def. going to finish it.
As an end of this tiny, little update I wanted to show you this numberplate I saw couple of days ago, thought it was funny :D
My plan was to write a blogpost last Sunday, but I cudnt find time to do that. So this might gonna be a big one :) First of all the reason why I wasnt able to update Sunday...I pretty much lost my bed saturdaynight and when it finally said to me "yo dude overhere" it was past 7am. I was really desperate to get some sleep tho because Josh from the basketball court invited me earlier that week to join him to a concert from a band called "1 am" on Sunday. So around 4pm I rushed to a terrace where I joined Andrick and the Forex teacher (his name is Sha) to have breakfast/lunch/dinner and a big cappuchino to get going again before Josh and his buddy picked me up. Sha btw is a HERO! He's gonna travel all the way to Europe to take care of his monnies. Then u reached the "highest" in my opinion haha).
When we arrived at the concert 2 things surprised me: 1. there were seats?! 2. Josh seemed to know half of all people around. Anyay, I think the band was pretty good, but some of the story's in between were somewhat "aiks". Afterwards we went to a hawker place with a bunch of people, a pretty cool bunch of people to be honest. I had a great time and hopefully they had no probelems me being around altho I talked quite a lot lol :D.
(It annoys me I cant find a song of the band on the internet just now! why oh why did I leave the CD in the car :S .) Thats why I posted Heroes of war earlier.
I was back around midnight and just relaxing for a moment when my mother rang me up. I know this doesnt sound cool, but we spoke till 3.30 in the morning haha :0 . The only reason why I am telling you this is because afterwards I couldnt get to sleep, around 7am I had enuf of it and decided to clean my place up. I even scrubed the balcony! Good me imo. Then I went out for breakfast and when I returned I just had time to create a facebook account and a quick dive in the pool before going to the eastern oriental hotel where Raymond (typical Brit) said: "I like the E&O because its evening out...So when I got back I went straight to bed for a 12 houer sleep.(deserved it I think)
Tuesday not much going on, just started my day off pretty late and that's when having lunch and do some grosseryshopping take ur whole day lol. Basketball sucked bigtime, when I arrived nobody was there but I wanted to play anyway, so I fetched a cab and got myself my ball. When I got back at the court there were 3 other players, so we obv played 2vs2 I think I played pretty well, I can feel I am getting back into a decent shape again. So it wasnt all bad but was donk enuf to totally forget to bring my ball back home...
Yesterday I spent my day with someone I met at the concert, After a pretty bad start (bus was late (with as result, packed bus, traffic jammed, getting kicked out of the bus too early and being pretty much lost) I was happy when I finally found her! I am not sure what I want to tell about this, I think it's best for now to just leave it right here :)
Today I've been to Georgetown with Jenny and some friends of her. I am not sure wheter I introduced Jenny already in my blog or not and cant be bothered to find out right now so if I already wrote this down please go and have a break for a second ;)I met Jenny last week in the bus, she had to cary these bags up Mount pleasure so I offred her a helping hand. She invited me to try the coconutmilk she bought, Spent quite some time at her place and after exchanging numbers I took of. Today she texted me if I was intrested in joining them go to Georgetown, she wanted to let me taste something, but I cant remeber the name of it *shame*. It was chinese white noodle soup hehe probably some people reading this know what I am talking about. Anyway kids of one of Jenny's friends wanted to have a swim at my place, I didnt realise I had to be around all the time dunno why actually, the guards just wanted it that way. I, at the other hand didn't want to miss out my bballgame for the 3rd time this week. So we outsmarted the system by just asking some random person to go to the guardhouse and take over my guests MUAHAHAH!. After my game I joined again and shared a meal. Jenny cooked spagehetti with some help of the childeren -really good spaghetti- I actually had to contributed my beloved cheese:0 Anyway was a good night learnt a bunch.
For now, lemme try to get some sleep since I ll be pretty much a babysitter tomorrow- morning before they leave again. Appearently the girls liked the swimmingpool, hope they dont drown me!
Note to myself: never try to make a dayreport again, it sucks!
. Been a while lol. I Just didnt have inspiration to write and there isn't much going on to be honest. I did attend the Forex course, it was really worth the money, but I didnt do too much with it since. Mostly becasue I run pretty well in poker and like school its hard to focus on something else for moneymakingpurposes when you make so much playing cards. I still have the manual and the emailadres of the tutor so if i feel like it i am ready to go. November so far have been a loooooot of poker, I actually took a shot 1000NL meaning you sit down at the tables with 1000usd. But didnt ran great and suffered a pretty sick beat with me being a 95.5% favourite for a 2500 pot so fuck my life haha. . .
. . . Today I finally booked the flight to Macau for coming December when Leslie and Chris are coming over to join the great life hehe (A). We decided to shorten the trip to only 3 days so I hope I wont't get in trouble with renewing my visa. I really shud've booked earlier. Air Asia bumps de price with 20% every week or something lol. I better not tell my friends, I can live without there claims ;). Especially after the telephonebill arrived today. I was pretty upset when I found out I have to pay another 180RM after the 150RM I paid earlier for October. Appearently I forgot to dial "124" before making a call to the Netherlands. Got multiple 20eu+ conversations :( . Happened to me before when I was calling from the Netherlands to Malaysia. So I probably didnt pay too much attention when they thought me to learn from your mistakes. . . . . I am going to learn from the fact I f*cked catching a lizzard tho. I came home early today and I caught this lizzard trying to sneak into my appartment. I obv love lizzards *sarcasme* but just not in my house. They shit just about evreywhere. So i took out my "Tesco waterbased Aerosol musquito spray* to paralyse this tiny little thing, took it up and I was halfway to the balcony when it dropped his tail! wtf sir! lol. I did know they do that but still strange to see that moving tail on my clean floor...oh well . . . . . This is it, tired, ready to go to get some sleep. It's around 3.30am again :) . . You may have noticed this blog is written in english It's because I want my friends (maybe little early to call them friends already but W/e)from Malaysia to be able to read it aswell without using googletanslate all the time. Not sure if this is going to be the standard, depends on the reactions and wheter they keep calling me "Flint or "Flincent" El oh el haha. (its ok buddy hehe ;) ) I probz made even more mistakes then usual but what the heck this isnt my first language. U can drop a message if it's really really embarassing. . . Out/
. Andrick gaat in januari naar het VK om te studeren voor z'n master. Uit eigen ervaring weet ik dat naar een ander land gaan redelijk wat voorbereiding vereist oa. hoe je er gaat betalen en in Andricks geval of hij een internationaal rijbewijs kan krijgen danwel een auto mag besturen met een rijbewijs uit Maleisie. The way to find out is obv to visit de instantie die er over gaat en lucikly for me zit die tent on the mainland. Al met al een prachtig excuus om over de grote brug te gaan (top 3 van langste bruggen ter wereld heb ik me laten vertellen). Ik was best wel onder de indruk van het uitzicht!
. . .
'S avond heb ik ook gelijk wat foto's gemaakt van basketbal omdat ik dat ook wil laten zien, ik zat obv in het team wat maar niet verslagen werd anders had ik nog een filmpje gemaakt van de andere 2 teams competing eachother om te laten zien wat het niveau is, maybe next time. This will do anyway I guess.
. .
. Maar waar ik op het moment toch het meest enthousiast over ben is toch echt de valutahandel, waarover ik al iets zei in mijn vorige blog. Ik ben vandaag de hele dag mee bezig geweest om uit te vogelen hoe het werkt enzo. Super voluntiel heb ik wel al gemerkt zeker als je met een grote "hefboom"werkt waardoor een koersverandering van 0.1% al superzieke swings oplevert voor je accountbalans. Ik kwam vandaag op m'n grote ontdekkingstocht langs zoveel dingen die ik wilde lezen, niet normaal . Ik moet bekennen dat ik er nog geen kont van snap en ik realiseer me ook dat het me heel veel tijd gaat kosten om het door te krijgen, maargoed als er 1 ding is dat ik heb....haha (dacht kop em zelf maar ff in) Om te beginnen nam ik vanmorgen de standaard trend (onder het motto lange leve de lange termijn) en kocht ik Euro's/USD en Euro's/GBP. Daarnaast vond ik het ook wel funky om goud te kopen. Helaas heb ik vandaag niet mogen profiteren van m'n "rechtmatige portie beginnersluck" dus heb al 300us dollies verloren...
Life is good, especially sinds ik weet dat ik op af en toe wat actualtieteit kan bekijken. Ik blader wel eens een krant door, maar om heel eerlijk te zijn intresseert het me vrij weinig wat er hier zoal speelt (GG integratie :) ). Daarentegen wilde ik wel heel graag weten hoe het nu allemaal zat rond de DirkScheringaBank. Vandaar dat ik van dinsdag- op woendagnacht heel de nacht TV heb gekeken en iets van 4 uitzendingen DWDD heb gezien en 2 afl. Pauw en Witteman hehe :O . Woensdag dus zo brak als een aap maar wel op de hoogte, ben ik voor de eerste keer sinds anderhalve week weer eens naar het zwembad geweest, mede omdat ik mezelf genezen had verklaard van m'n oorontsteking. In Nederland ga ik eigenlijk nooit naar de dokter en ik vond het dan ook vrij apart dat ik binnen 2 weken Maleisie al in het ziekenhuis zat haha. Niets dan lof overigens voor de healthcare as far ive seen it!
Zou toch jammer zijn om bv dit te missen?
[lazy] Zaterdagavond had ik na m'n potje basketbal echt zin om een beetje lol te trappen, maar ik weet niet zeker of ik goed ben in in m'n eentje lol trappen dus belde ik Andrick op, met als gevolg dat we tot midden in de nacht bier zaten te drinken op een terrasje waar een supergezellige sfeer hing en een redelijk bizar bord op het toilet hangt.(rottige zinnetje imo)
Linksonder: like wtf?!
Al met al was het niet echt wat ik had bedoeld met uitgaan (jullie stappen toch lekkerder jongens :P )zoals ik me had voorgesteld maar desondanks was het toch erg gezellig. Gezellig genoeg om het tot een uur of 3 uittehouden en nog op zoek te gaan naar iets te snacken. In Holland kan je alleen nog terecht in een shoarmatent rond die tijd, maar Paneng is niet voor niets wereldberoemd om z'n diversiteit aan eten en zo kwam het dat ik op een belachelijk tijdstip nog aan een lekker groot bord spaghetti met stoofvlees begon! Vanmiddag na de wekker een klap te hebben gegeven
direct de deur uitgelopen voor lunch en heb ik meteen de rest van de middag ook maar weer op het terras gezeten en een handvol glazen Iced lemon tea en Iced cofee gedronken. Wie weet krijg ik nog eens een buik hehe (angel) [lazy/]
Vandaag heb ik ook besloten om me wat meer te gaan verdiepen in Forextrading (valutahandel). Ik heb er wel is eerder over gedacht om naast pokeren een andere manier te zoeken om sick, bizar, asociaal, stinkend rijk te worden maar so far nooit echt iets mee gedaan. Het is gewoon nice om niet van 1 ding afhankelijk te zijn, Uni komt for some reason nooit in me op wat ik eigenlijk best wel jammer vind to be totally honest. but I just dont feel like it...Had eigenlijk gehoopt dat dat gevoel wel een beetje terug zou komen... Oh well...Forex is ingewikkeld en complex zat dus heb nog wel wat te doen voor die Cursus begint. Really looking forward to it. Wich is good want ik vind het best wel duur, maargoed laten we hopen dat het z'n geld dubbel en dwars terugverdient :)
Ik heb deze keer niet echt leuke foto's vind ik, alles staat op nog op de camera van Andrick. I am
sorry, volgende keer schiet ik wel m'n eigen plaatjes :)
Het was afgelopen zaterdag deepavali. Iemand die gister ook op de bus stond te wachten wist me te vertellen dat dat het Hindoestaanse "festival of light" is. Once upon a time, was er een goede koning die het land beschermde door een slechte koning te verslaan. Toen hij weer thuiskwam was het al donker en de mensen begroette hem met allemaal lichtjes. Et voila een nieuw feest was geboren. That's all I know about it. Anyway dit jaar viel dat feest op zaterdag. Het mooie aan Malseisie is dat in case er een public holiday in het weekend valt je de vrije dag die je misloopt terugkrijgt op de maandag erna. Andrick had op z'n vrije dag niets te doen en ik was nog steeds niet naar Paneng hill geweest so he picked me up arond 12.30pm, maar toen we aan de lunch zaten begon het knetterhard te regenen. So FML, still didnt took a peak at that bloody hill :). Anyay we hebben wat andere dingetjes bekeken maar was niet echt speciaal ofzo. Wel nog wat lui gezien die met megavlaggen aan het gooien waren, en busladingen chinezen die daar een kijkje kwamen nemen, so I sat down en amuseerde mezelf met naar chinezen kijken die allemaal hetzelfde gayish hesje droegen hehe.
'S avond had ik met mezelf afgesproken een kijkje gaan nemen op het basketbalveldje waar die ober ook speelt. Dus sprong ik om 6 uur op de bus richting basketballcourt, waar ik een minuutje of 5 heb staan kijken alvorens ze het spel opbraken en nieuwe partijen maakten. Sommige spelers waren wat beter dan anderen, maar al met al een leuk niveautje, en een redelijk grote groep. Tis best wel ziek om je in dat klimaat je helemaal suf te rennen, maargoed 't was fun en voelde me wel geaccepteerd . Mede ook omdat ze na afloop aan me vroegen of ik donderdag mee wilde spelen tegen wat mensen uit de stad. Ship it! Op de terugweg mis ik 3(!!) bussen voordat ik een chauffeur tref die: wakker is, niet zit te bellen en in een bus rondrijdt die dienst heef. Zal er wel gek hebben uitgezien, ik stond inmiddels als een malle te springen en te zwaaien om de aandacht te trekken lol. Om het verhaal compleet te maken sjeest deze mafferd een paar minuten later zo mijn busstop voor bij terwijl hij had toegezegd daar te zullen stoppen :@ Ik was obv not amused en dat heb ik em ook wel even laten weten hehe. Luckily stond een van die jongens waar ik mee had gebastketbalt een stukje verder te praten en hij was tof genoeg om me een lift te geven achter op z'n brommer terug naar m'n complex.
Vandaag ben ik in de ochtend naar Gurney plaza vertrokken om basketballschoenen te kopen. Ik had maar een 1 paar schoenen meegenomen naar Malaysia en ik geloof niet dat die Vans het erg lang volhouden als ik er op ga basketballen, daarbij is het de pest voor m'n enkels en knien. Ik had nog niet ontbeten dus na een kop koffie en een tasty panini bij Starbucks off to buy some shoes. Best wel een tijd lopen dwalen in die shoppingmall, maar uiteindelijk toch enkel schoenen gekocht. keiduur natuurlijk maarja can't be bothered to look for cheaper onces when I found some I like.
Gurney Plaza
Going to have dinner now (Ik gooi vanavond er nog wel wat foto's in, heb er nu geen tijd voor)